Planetary Hierarchy
Quotes by the Tibetan Master Djwhal Kuhl
"This Hierarchy is composed of Those Who
have triumphed over matter, and Who have achieved the goal by the very
self-same steps that individuals tread today. These spiritual personalities,
these adepts and Masters, have wrestled and fought for victory and mastery
upon the physical plane, and struggled with the miasmas, the fogs, the
dangers, the troubles, the sorrows and pains of everyday living. They have
trodden every step of the path of suffering, have undergone every
experience, have surmounted every difficulty, and have won out . . . Their
apprehension of the freedom that comes through sacrifice of the form by the
medium of the purifactory fires, suffices to give Them a firm hand, an
ability to persist even when the form may seem to have undergone a
sufficiency of suffering, and a love that triumphs over all setbacks, for it
is founded on patience and experience. These Elder Brothers of humanity are
characterized by a love which endures, and which acts ever for the good of
the group; by a knowledge which has been gained through a millennia of
lives, in which They have worked Their way from the bottom of life and of
evolution well nigh to the top; by an experience which is based on time
itself and a multiplicity of personality reactions and interactions; by a
courage which is the result of that experience, and which, having itself
been produced by ages of endeavor, failure, and renewed endeavor, and having
in the long run led to triumph, can now be placed at the service of the
race; by a purpose which is enlightened and intelligent, and which is
co-operative, adjusting itself to the group and hierarchical plan and thus
fitting in with the purpose of the Planetary Logos . . ." (Initiation,
Human and Solar, p. 25)
"This Hierarchy of
Brothers of Light still exists, and the work goes steadily on. They are all
in physical existence, either in dense physical bodies, such as many of the
Masters employ, or in etheric bodies, such as the more exalted helpers of
the Lord of the World occupy. It is of value for men to remember that They
are in physical existence, and to bear in mind that They exist upon this
planet with us, controlling its destinies, guiding its affairs, and leading
all its evolutions on to an ultimate perfection." (Initiation, Human
and Solar, p. 32)
"This Hierarchy of forces has four
pre-eminent lines of work:
- a. To develop self-consciousness in all beings.
- b. To develop consciousness in the three lower
kingdoms. As is well known, the five kingdoms of nature on the
evolutionary arc might be defined as follows: the mineral kingdom, the
vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom, and the
spiritual kingdom. All these kingdoms embody some type of consciousness,
and it is the work of the Hierarchy to develop these types to perfection
through the adjustment of Karma, through the agency of force, and
through the providing of right conditions.
- c. To transmit the will of the Planetary Logos. They
act as the transmitter to men and devas or angels, of the will of the
Planetary Logos, and through Him of the Solar Logos.
- d. To set an example to humanity." (Initiation,
Human and Solar, p. 20)
- "The Hierarchy works
only with the spiritual nature or with the soul of humanity, and -- to
the Master -- the form is regarded as relatively of no importance."
(Esoteric Healing, p. 661)
- "The fact of the
existence of the Hierarchy and its supreme Head, the Christ, is
consciously recognized by hundreds of thousands today, though still
denied by the orthodox. So many know this truth, and so many people of
integrity and worth are co-operating consciously with the Members of the
Hierarchy that ecclesiastical antagonisms, and the belittling comments
of the concrete minded are of no avail. Men are moving out from under
doctrinal authority into direct, personal and spiritual experience; they
are coming under the direct authority which contact with Christ and His
disciples, the Masters, ever confers." (The Problems of Humanity,
p. 145)
- "For millions of years
the Hierarchy has stood in silence behind world events, occupied with
the following work -- work which will eventually be carried on
exoterically instead of esoterically:
- 1. The Hierarchy stands as a wall between humanity and
excessive evil. Forget not that as humanity is thus protected, that
protection extends to all the subhuman kingdoms, of which the fourth
kingdom, the human, is the Macrocosm. The excessive evil, emanating from
cosmic sources, requires the trained skill of the Hierarchy and the fiat
of Shamballa to prevent it flooding over disastrously.
- 2.The Hierarchy works constantly at the task of
awakening the consciousness aspect in all forms, so that it is awakened,
expanded and intelligently employed.
- 3. The Hierarchy directs world events, as far as
mankind will permit (for the free will and free decision of mankind may
not be ignored), so that the unfolding consciousness may express itself
through developing and adequate social, political, religious and
economic world forms. They give direction; They throw light; They
impress those who are in contact with Them, and through the inflow of
ideas, and through revelation, They definitely influence the tide of
human affairs.
- 4. The Hierarchy directs and controls, more than is
realized, the unfolding cyclic cultures, and their resultant
civilizations. These can then provide adequate forms, temporarily useful
for the emerging soul of humanity. The format of cultures and
civilizations receives special attention.
- 5. The Hierarchy receives and transmits energies and
consequent forces from Shamballa, with resultant effects within the
Hierarchy itself, and also with effects upon humanity and upon the soul
of all things to be found in all kingdoms.
- 6. The Hierarchy receives that esoteric 'Fire of God'
which brings to an end cycles, ideologies, organizations and
civilizations, when the due and right time comes. This They do in order
to make place for that which is better and which will prove adequate and
not limiting to the awakening consciousness and the emerging life.
- 7. The Hierarchy prepares men for initiation by:
- a. Receiving them into Ashrams of the Masters.
- b. Offering Their disciples opportunity to serve in
relation to the emerging Plan.
- c. Inaugurating through the means of disciples of
the period those new presentations of the training needed for
initiation. Each major cycle receives new forms of the same ancient,
yet basic, teaching. This present one is such a cycle, and much of
my own work is in connection with this." (The Externalization
of the Hierarchy, p. 519/20)
- "The Hierarchy is a
great fighting body today, fighting for the soul of men, fighting all
that blocks the expansion of the human consciousness, fighting all that
limits human freedom (I said not license), and fighting to remove those
factors and barriers which militate against the return of the Christ and
the emergence of the Hierarchy as a fully functioning body on earth.
There is nothing weak, vacillating, sentimental or neutral in the
attitude of the Hierarchy; this must be grasped by humanity, and the
strength and insight as well as the love of the Hierarchy must be
counted upon." (The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p.
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