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Devas and Elementals


Aart Jurriaanse


Devas and elementals constitute a separate evolution from that of the human being. All evolutions or involutions are, however, intimately integrated, and together compose the body of the Planetary Logos. Each of these vast systems is independently controlled by Hierarchies functioning on parallel levels and status. The intention is not to make a close study of these other vast fields of expression, but the esoteric student should at least be aware of these related evolutions, with a general idea of how they are related to and affect our own immediate system.

Elementals - The elementals are sub-human forms which have not yet reached the evolutionary stage. They are in fact still in process of involution, on the downward arc - the stage where spirit is still being involved in matter. Evolution, in contrast, denotes the upward gradient, where that which has been created evolves, or is being transmuted into forms on higher levels of development, and thus refers to the ascent or return of Spirit to its Source, carrying with it the gains in experience of passing through matter.

Elementals are etheric forms of being, occurring on all planes, and which have traditionally been known as gnomes, brownies and pixies.

They may also be classified as:

Earth or Physical Elementals
Air or Etheric Elementals
Water or Astral Elementals
Fire or Mental Elementals.

These elementals are the essence or primordial phase of all creation in both our Solar System and the Universe. Within certain limits these elemental forces may be controlled or guided by man. They can as a rule be harnessed by particular rites and rituals, but this is an entirely separate study, and the uninformed are warned that it is definitely undesirable to meddle with these matters unless thoroughly understood. The present purpose is merely to point to the existence of these forces.

With more advanced spiritual development the disciple will acquire knowledge and proficiency, based on the laws of nature, enabling him to co-operate successfully with the involutionary realms, and thereby also to promote the evolutionary processes.

Devas - In contrast to the elementals, the devas are already on the evolutionary path. They are the builders of the material system, in which they work in their myriads in 'serried ranks', and where they are grouped into many grades.

Devas of every status are to be found, somewhat paralleling those of the human evolution, and grading from ranks comparable to that of a Planetary Logos, through the many intermediate hierarchical grades down to the lesser ranks of the building devas, who work unconsciously and automatically in large groups, building the many forms known to human evolution. These lower groups are guided only by vibration and sound.

The devas avail themselves of the elemental forces, and the deva builders control these blindly working forces to perform their involutionary functions. The devas in their constructive work produce cohesion, harmony and beauty out of elemental chaos. The lower strata of the devas, the practical builders, comparatively speaking, vary from the unthinking, automatically working labourers, rising progressively until the foreman quality is encountered, then the supervisor, eventually arriving at the controllers, the industrial executives or 'Great Building Devas', who are on a comparable level with the Masters of Wisdom. On the physical plane man is, mostly unconsciously, in daily and constant contact with the deva world. All matter, and every physical form, whether mineral, vegetable, animal or human, is constituted of the vital substance of the many lesser ranks of deva entities, and these are held together by a higher ranking deva providing the coherence of form to the object. Thus every crystal, drop of water, and every plant or animal, has its own controlling deva-life.

The Dark Forces have also acquired the technique of handling the elementals or involutionary forces, and pervert these unwitting lesser forms of life to their evil and selfish purposes. For man the correct procedure, as practised by the Masters, is not to attempt direct control over the elementals and lower grade devas, but rather to effect such control through co-operation with their senior ranks, such as the deva Lords or Angels. It is therefore not for man to control the deva world, but to collaborate with them by intelligent and loving understanding of their functions.

Adepts have been taught the art of calling specific devas or elementals to serve their purpose, by the use of mantrams. By a mantram is understood arranging words or syllables in some rhythmic order, which when thus sounded will generate the desired vibrations. These vibrations may then serve as a call-note for the required devas or elementals. Such powers will be accorded to the disciple when he is ready for their use, and when his work demands it. Danger is, however, definitely provoked when the lesser devas and forces are called by the unqualified in attempts to further selfish ambitions.

As man is the custodian of the mental principle, so the deva evolution is the custodian of the life principle, and therefore also of magnetism and vitality - those qualities playing such an important role in the three worlds of human manifestation. For their mutual benefit close co-operation is essential between these two evolutions, neither of which can develop effectively without the support of the other and, as far as the form is concerned, they are actually indispensable partners. On the other hand, man should increasingly orient himself towards spiritual relationships, thus striving to evolve away from dependence on form and matter.

The aspirant should recognize that it is not only his physical body which consists of deva life, but also his etheric and emotional bodies, and that even thoughts are nothing but deva substance. It is for this reason that the average man, still functioning on emotional levels, remains largely under the control of astral devas, and his objective must therefore be to liberate himself as soon as possible from these influences, allowing the soul to dominate his life and the Spirit to become his guide.

It is perhaps interesting to know that a group of entities has been gathered from the ranks of the most advanced devas, who are serving as 'guardian angels' over the human race. Each human being has thus been furnished with his own particular guardian angel, whose function it is to remain with him night and day, warding off unfavourable energies which might constitute a menace to the physical well-being of the protégé. These guardian angels must not be confused with those spiritual helpers who on etheric levels stand by the disciple providing him with Spiritual support when needed and invoked. The guarding devas have much to give to humanity, but their own attainment also lies in this kind of service.

On hierarchical levels there is close collaboration between human and deva evolutions. Evolved devas may be recognized on etheric levels as great Angels, and according to the Sages at least four groups of these Angels are assembled around the Christ, pledged to his service and that of humanity. One of the responsibilities with which the Christ has charged them is to make men aware of certain concepts or conditions which today may still seem far-fetched:


1. Humanity must be taught to see etherically. This the devas will achieve through heightening vibration by devic interaction.

2. Man must be taught the use of colour and sound for healing certain diseases. Violet light, for instance, seems to be particularly effective for treating disturbances originating in the etheric body.

3. Materialistic thinkers must be convinced of the existence of the etheric worlds, where the 'spirit' of both men and angels may be contacted.

4. Men must be made aware of 'super-human physics' - how to eliminate gravitation and attain weightlessness, and how to eliminate fatigue by moving without resistance and with the rapidity of thought. These 'impossible' conditions will only be accomplished by gaining control over the etheric vehicle.

5. Humanity will be taught how to nourish the body by drawing sustenance from etheric energy. This will mean that life activities will increasingly have to be focused on etheric existence, with a simultaneous withdrawing of active attention from physical functions, allowing the latter to become largely automatic.

6. To encompass the above will involve penetrating and eventually destroying the 'etheric web', which today still separates the physical world of human existence so effectively from the invisible etheric spheres.

To the ordinary human being these conceptions may seem fantastic and even beyond all consideration, and many will consequently ridicule these visions. But just think how impossible many of our present day scientific inventions, such as television, computers, electronics, nuclear power, spacecraft, etc, would have sounded if prophesied to our forebears of only 100 years ago. Nobody at that time would have taken any notice of such utter nonsense!

Those with an open mind and unbiased outlook must already be aware of the steadily spreading influence of these Deva Angels, which is slowly but surely permeating human life, affecting its many activities and fields of consciousness. Everywhere there are signs of increasing psychic awareness; science is rapidly discovering and accepting several aspects of 'extra-sensory perception' (ESP), and these are now receiving widespread attention. At long last science has ascertained the existence of the etheric world (or at least certain aspects thereof), although the scientific approach is being wrapped up in such complicated technical terminology that it becomes nearly unrecognizable to the esoteric student.

The existence of telepathic faculties of communication are also being recognized, and with growing human sensitivity it is expected that there will be a corresponding increase in the practical application of these powers.

The fulfillment of some of these prophecies must therefore be regarded as imminent, and it is merely a question of time before a more refined sensitivity will be developed for recognizing the surrounding etheric world, with its many active Entities and influences. This will again lead to further expansion of consciousness and a deeper comprehension of the reality of the inner worlds.

Aart Jurriaanse wrote a number of compilations from the books of Alice A. Bailey. Among these are: Of Life and other worlds; Prophecies; Ponder on this; Serving Humanity; The Soul; The Quality of Life; and he is also the author of Bridges which is a Commentary on these teachings.

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